serving together

This website is a work in progress….

This website is a complement to the official DIAKONIA World Federation (DWF) website, and also to the DWF President’s blog here.

The aim of this particular website is to provide information and links about each member of DWF, so that the diaconal network around the world can be informed and learn more about and support each other.

In its initial stages (2013-14) this website will be a repository of information collected directly from associations as well as from other sources including websites.

The information will eventually be clustered around headings such as * History * Training and formation requirements, training institutions etc * key people *denominational links and heritage *links to other associations (eg mother houses) * key papers/documents *Recognition of diaconal ministry agents (eg ordination/commissioning etc) *Numbers (and trends) *Marriage or single *uniforms (or not) * residential (eg motherhouse) or independent *key ministry areas of diaconal ministry agents *trends, issues and concerns in diaconal ministry * etc etc

The information may also foster an interest in exchange visits from one diaconal association to another.

In the interests of building information about each member association, we are always glad to hear from you with edits and additions to any content posted on this website.

This website is in its infancy – so still developing the basic framework. Happy for any contributions…….